Disclaimer...my punctuation is not going to be good. But its not my fault...its the keyboard..I swear!
I MADE IT TO CHIMBOTE! When I first started thinking about doing this trip, one of the things that enticed me a little was the fact Id be stepping out of my comfort zone. I didnt realize Id actually be LEAPING out of my comfort zone! The language barrier has been the most difficult part for me thus far. Particularly in Chimbote, but also noticed in Lima, barely anyone speaks English. Its not like I was expecting that, but its been a real eye opener to actually experience it. I feel a little lost. I can only look up words in my translator dictionary so fast! Luckily, at the mission itself quite a few speak English.
Im living with an extremely kind host family, but they probably know less English than I know Spanish. This morning I spent 30 mins chatting with my host dad. To sum it up, Im pretty sure I told him Hillary Clinton was Bills sister haha. But they are a very welcoming family and doing good to help me out with vocab and such.
The poverty here is something Ive never seen before, but the people are still very kind and welcoming. This morning we toured the various missions of the Parish including medial and dental clinics, schools, refuge houses, and of course the rehab center. Looks like Im going to be constructing some AFOs soon! Tomorrow Ill actually spend the day at the rehab center doing PT work. Say a couple prayers though...nobody there knows English!
Ive only spent one day in Chimbote, so I feel like I cant make any bold statements yet. Ive gotten a great first impression though and Ive found those are usually a telling sign of what is to come.
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