Monday, December 5, 2011

So much to write about, so little time!!!

By now, this blog has become my journal. And there is so much going on here, that if I miss a day (or 3!!!) of writing in my "journal", I am behind. So I have 5 different posts to write about here. Hopefully Ill get some pictures uploaded too, but that might just be asking too much of myself!!!

Last Wednesday there was a Posada. It was a really neat deal. It started around 730 and it was dark out. Basically going through the Nativity story. First, the Angel Gabriel appearing to Mary and then to Joseph, and then Joseph and Mary riding the donkey, knocking on doors looking for a place to stay. Finally, Jesus being born in the stable and the 3 wisemen visiting. The people who put on the show did a great job. And then afterward, there was dancing. I know I am not describing it very well, maybe the pictures will help out! Note- These got a little out of order. I DO know how the Nativity story goes...

 The wiseman after visiting the baby Jesus
 The start of the procession. At each stop we would see the scene, say a prayer, and then sing a song while processing to the next place.
 The Annunciation-Gabriel appearing to Mary
 Some of the kids in the procession. Great costumes!
 Gabriel appearing to Joseph
 Joseph leading Mary on the donkey, knocking on doors, looking for a room in the inn
 The Holy Family!

 There was a pig at the stable! He got pretty cranky during the show and started squealing up a storm!
 The dancing after Jesus was born
Not sure why this little guy is dressed up like a man, beard and all, but it was funny to me :)

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