Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mi habla espanol no beuno!

That was my common phrase today as I spent my first morning working in the PT clinic. Luckily, the other workers and patients were really patient. (haha...patient patients) Anyway, I was kind of treated like a celebrity there. Everyone wanted me to at least take a look at them or their child. Probably half the people I worked with today were children. Not to sound all gushy, but it really was a great morning. My favorite part of PT is being able to teach people things they can do on their own to manage or make improvements. And that's what I got to do this morning! That, and getting my creative side worn out. It's pretty easy at home to get an orthotic or brace or refer someone on, but that's not the case here. You gotta learn to make do with what ya got!

Yesterday afternoon we toured Chimbote Nueva. Actually looks like a normal city (albeit poor). That's where you can see the ocean, too, with some mountains in the background. I really need to work on my geography...I'm assuming it's the Pacific Ocean, but have no idea what those mountains could be. There's med students here from UND. Next week they're going to Machu Pichu. I can't wait to hear about it...supposed to be amazing!

So, as my spanish is still less than desired, I tend to agree to everything. Then I go back and look at my dictionary to see what I said...
1. I have 2 kids (I thought I was telling them my brother, John and Nicole have been married for 2 years)
2. I 'm 22 (my birthday is on dec. 22)
3. Wyoming produces a lot of potatoes (energy...coal???)
4. Boxing is a hobby of mine (apparently my running signs looked like hitting...)
5. Wyoming is near New York City (uhh..I knew it wasn't on the pacifico coast at least)

And that's just some of what I've caught! I can only imagine the good laughs mi familia is having :) Oh well...I kind of think it's funny too!


  1. Sarah! I saw there was an earthquake! did you feel it? and are you ok?

  2. No! I didn't feel it. Happened while we were at lunch though and some of the people I was with felt a few wavers. It was a 6.9, but pretty far south of us
