Thursday, October 6, 2011

Time goes slowly...

Leave it to Madonna to get that song stuck in my head these last few days haha. 2 weeks from tomorrow my adventure will begin! How great is it that before I go to Peru I get to swing by Minneapolis for a weekend with the fam to celebrate Dad's 60th birthday?!?! And the topper of it all will be watching my first "in-person" Packers game as they battle (battle is probably a strong word in this case) the Vikings. And all 7 of us are going!
Anyways...back to slow time. Besides packing, I really can't think of anything else I need to do before this trip. Everything else is lined up. Well...there is that Spanish I still have to learn, but I think that's going to be chalked up to a "good try" :) So while I wait, I've decided to paint my bathroom and fix stuff around the house...with help of course! I've learned my lesson in 3 years of home-owning!
Sometimes I can't believe how calm I am about all of this. Everything has fallen into place really well, but there's still a lot of unknowns. And for this chronic over-analyzer (I AM a girl ya know!), I'm really feeling good about just going with the flow :) Just goes to show how God's hand truly is guiding this part of my life and I couldn't be happier about that!
So for now, I'm just going to fix up a bathroom and slowly count down the days until my adventure begins! In Spanish of course :)

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