Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Poor Sarah, she doesn't feel good (said in a most sympathetic way)

There's lots of different ways to get that statement across in Spanish...that's ALOT of what I've been hearing the last few days. Kind of makes me feel like a wimp, but at least people care??? Been sick since Friday! First it was just a cold, but then I guess my stomach felt left out. Dang strawberries I'm guessing! Can't quite seem to shake it, although I'm writing about it today so obviously I'm not on my deathbed. And last night I stayed up pretty late watching the football move back and forth across the screen on espn.com telling me the play-by-play of the Packers/Vikings game. I'll take what I can get! It was a good win! Anyway, everyone seems to understand stomach issues here and are more than willing to point out the nearest bathroom and supply you with extra toilet paper. Hahaha...is that too much information?!?! Yesterday I took it easy and got caught up on a lot of translating and computer stuff I was getting behind in. Maybe it's God's way of telling me to slow down a little bit!

Anyway, here are some more random pictures of Chimbote. Enjoy!!!

This is one of the markets in town. The other day I asked about getting a few things like soap and laundry detergent and a girl said we could get it at "the market". I was wondering where that could be, because I hadn't seen anything like that in the area since I'd been here. But I was picturing a target-esque store. Alas...

 Fresh fish anyone??? This is why I tend to stay away from the market. It kind of weirds me out to see the food I will soon be eating just laying out in the warm, humid day :)

 The Peruvian children here LOVE to have their picture taken! And I don't mind doing it...they're so cute. (Said in an uncreepy way of course!)

 La Cuna-the early intervention/daycare where I spend some afternoons

 A woodhsop we visited last week in Chimbote. They make lots of the chairs the parish/school uses. The workers make about 20 soles a day (about 9 American dollars!)

 Calvin's farm. I have more pictures to show from here later

 You see this a lot on the streets. On the back is corn for feeding animals. The two white buckets are full of milk which she will sell, also.

 The weightroom at the Matt Talbot Alcohol rehab facility. Nice they have one, but most of the equipment is so rusted that it looks like it will crumble apart at any time. On the floor of the second picture is the dumbells.

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